Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing 2, Week 1, 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

This powerpoint is informative and well done; however, I'm not sure who the intended audience is. Isn't it groups of educators? I imagine everyone who views this particular presentation has a bachelor's degree or higher and probably already embraces the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learning. However, it would be a wonderful tool to use in the library to teach secondary students about the value of being responsible for one's own education. I especially liked Habit #2: Accept responsiblilty for your own learning. That says it all! I think that is the most difficult for students today becsause they are asked to be responsible for so little, even for their own education. College and vocational students understand the value of educational responsibility. It is something we need to instill in our young adults in high school or even junior high.

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